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Eat GU When Not Training?

Most of us use GU, Clif Shots, and similar energy gels when we’re exercising — but what about when we just need a quick burst of energy?  I recently was asked about the nutritional benefits of eating one of these gels even when not exercising.

I don’t eat these products when I’m not working out, but reached out to a few different companies to try and learn if this is something that would actually provide a boost.

“Of course it is fine,” I was told by a GU R&D person.  “It is 100 calories of carbohydrates, there are vitamins in there, amino acids.  In any case it’s going to increase blood sugar and those with caffeine may give you a little perk.”

Good.  We know it won’t cause any weird issues.  The GU employee also added:

“Sometimes when I don’t have time for lunch…I’ll eat a Vanilla Bean…or two….or…..    Anyway, the moral of the story is that if you’re hungry and you like GU…eat it.

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