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Kinesiology tape, a practical use

Kinesiology tape sounds like a magic potion or snake oil.  How can sticking a piece of tape on your sore leg help?  I can’t answer that but it works for me.  I use it all of the time because I am always injuring myself from over use.

The websites from the two big guys in kinesiology tape are Rocktape and KT Tape”.  They are the two brands on my computer desk for trial purposes.  I have a sore ITB from cycling too hard before a moderate run and a mild pull to my groin from weight lifting.

After applying to both areas, I noticed immediate relief.  It does take a little more practice to get the correct application on the groin area even though it looks easier to apply.  I like to use the tape because it seems to help speed recovery and it reminds me that I am injured and I should rest the injured area.

Both of my injuries are from overuse and I know better.  The little reminders help keep me in check.  I will alter my work out routine to accommodate an injury but I tend to do dumb things.  I won’t do 100 lb squats because of a sore groin but I will carry 140 lbs of 15 or 20 steps to a bench.  The tape helps to keep alternate uses in my mind.

I went out for a couple of long runs with the tape on my knee and it seems to work.  I did notice that while the tape helps one section of the knee, there is a price to be paid from the surrounding muscles that support the injured area.

If your legs are not strong enough to pick up the slack from the injured part, you may wind up walking home.  Keep that in mind before you do an endurance event, especially if you are planning on doing a long ocean swim.  It can be pretty difficult to swim a mile back to shore with one working shoulder.

Basic instructions for use

Read the instructions that come with the tape and then go to the web sites to get additional video instructions.  Watch the instructions before and during the application.

Here are a couple of things the instructions do not tell you: You should to take a shower and shave before use.  The adhesive works better on bare skin.  If you manage to get the adhesive to stick on a hairy body part, you will wish you shaved when it comes time to remove the tape.  Besides, it is never too late to practice good hygiene.  If you wait more than an hour after you take a shower to put on the tape, use alcohol to clean your skin before tape application.

Ted’s disclaimer:  I paid for neither of these products.  Michael received them both for free either at an event or as a review item.  I have not been asked to review either.  I am writing about the tape using these products because they are the closest.  I do have other brands in my medicine cabinet that I paid for.

These medical tapes can be purchased using a flexible spending account card from your insurance company.  I do notice a distinct difference between the products that is neither good or bad, it just a difference, probably for different applications.

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