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A lady jogger was mugged for her iPhone while out for a run on Broadway (1500 block @ 8:00 p.m.) a few days ago, and Alameda Police are warning athletes to be aware of their surroundings.

A full incident report can be seen here, including descriptions of both suspects.

Here are a few tips:

• Do not wear headphones when running alone.
• Run against traffic.
• Be mindful of your surroundings and trust your intuition. If a location, a person(s) or something does not feel right, avoid it.
• Always carry identification or write your information on your shoe.
• Wear light colored and/or reflective clothing.
• Carry a cell phone, preferably in a non-visible location.
• Run with a partner, a dog perhaps. We have great dogs available at our local shelter
• Consider carrying a noise maker or pepper spray.

If you want to learn more about jogger safety, please feel free to post a tweet directed to the AlamedaPD’s Twitter account; they are very welcoming to interaction with the public.

I’m always bummed when I have to write a short blog post like this one – but it’s actually a great reminder that we need to be aware of our surroundings.

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