Bike Rides – Great For Burning Calories With Less Physical Demand
Posted on May 26, 2010 under News | No CommentRunning is an activity that some people don’t enjoy because of the stress it puts on the body. Doctors and physical therapists often times recommend the sport of cycling as a healthy, less physically stressful activity that still provides major health benefits.
This recent Women’s Health article (published on lists the reasons why riding a bike is a great alternative to driving, running, or walking around town. A lot of people who haven’t tried commuting around town by bike don’t realize how easy it is to burn calories even if they’re not dropping the hammer down during a tempo ride.
Christine Mattheis lists the following reasons why pedaling is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy: It burns calories, you can do it “on go, tones riders all over, helps boost energy, save joints, and provides a full body workout. I agree with the points she makes, and hope the article helps convince a couple of people to spend some time in the saddle.
I’m currently working on developing my base miles for a journey up Mt. Shasta in early August, and enjoy the physical challenges of cycling. After a couple of hours of riding, I burn calories slowly but without injury – and recovery is much faster than after a hard run.