The Mission Peak Striders meet at the Coyote Hills Regional Park the first Saturday of each month. If you notice “Ted’s Schedule“ I published, it puts me in the Coyote Hills park for Saturday distance training which offered me the perfect opportunity to meet up with the Striders.
The Striders are a group of very friendly people of all abilities who organize trail runs in the Fremont area. I picked a tough day to meet up with them as a large group was off running a distance relay and the park was closed the morning we were supposed to meet. We managed to get together and go out for a jog. The group that did show up all made me feel very welcome. I have a short photo page because it was a small group and I did not feel up to chasing people down to get their pictures.
After my run with the Striders, I went out for a bike ride through the park with the intention of doing some hill repeats. I was so worn out, I skipped the last 10 miles of hill repeats. While I was suffering on the bike, I was thinking to myself how I am not worthy of a shiny new bike. I will get stronger as the training season progresses. I hope I do not get injured.