Posted on Apr 23, 2010 under "Shout Out" |

Athletes HoneyMilk, a company we recently interviewed, has released its latest online newsletter (which you can view by clicking here).
Specifically, the newsletter discusses how company CEO Tim Doelman recently had a podium finish at the Sea Otter Classic, while Web 2.0 super geek, Michael Don won the Run for the Roses 10K. The newsletter also has a few recent blogs posted on the Athletes Milk Web site regarding stretching, working vs. working out, and an inspirational story about a runner many people doubted. (Link originally found courtesy of Athletes HoneyMilk Facebook page.)
I am all for sharing similar newsletters, pages, etc., so if you have something news worthy, feel free to get in touch! 🙂
Posted on Apr 23, 2010 under News |
Alamedarunners went to a town hall meeting with our local councilman who is running for mayor on the platform. Alameda is a small city of about 70,000 people located between Oakland and San Francisco.
I don’t know how it is with all politicians but Frank is doing it a little at a time. His meeting had about 18 people in attendance including one guy who seemed to have a bit too much to drink before he arrived. He was deftly handled by Frank on most occasions. Here is a quick outline of what we covered. Please forgive any inaccuracies as I am doing the best I can here.
As you may know, we at are getting involved in local politics in an attempt to make some improvements in our running options. We already have a great area for running but we are trying to make it better.
First order: “Support Alameda business”.
Next: Today is Earth day, keep Alameda green:
Discussed various options regarding cycling and bike riding in the city.
Legislation passed – No Styrofoam takeout containers, working on limiting plastic grocery bags.
City policy for clean vehicles – Frank has an electric car for use in and around the city. The city issues translink passes to city employees. Para transit buses loop Alameda for free use by people over 62 or handicapped. Alameda has a contract with ACI for waste removal. ACI has replaced 3 trucks with natural gas trucks and is moving to convert the whole fleet that is used on Alameda Island.
Alameda power is generated with an 85% carbon free foot print. Approximately 50% of the power generated is from renewable resources. $300-$350 million has been spent to date on hazardous waste cleanup at the old Alameda Point Naval station.
Alameda Point is planting trees with formerly homeless people as workers. Alameda has community gardens that we are encouraged to take advantage of. Everyone is responsible to look at what we are doing to the environment. Tune in to what we are doing and do what we can to make things better. We need to change our behavior and encourage environment awareness in others.
As runners or people who enjoy the great outdoors, it is our responsibility to help form the policies to keep our trails open and keep them sustainable for the future generations. This is not just an Alameda issue, it is an issue for everyone in the world. We are learning how to treat the environment responsibly. We need to do the best we can to protect the environment.
It is a bonus if we can protect the environment while we get to live the good life. We are doing our part by getting out and working with the politicians who are willing to help. I encourage you all to do the same.