Posted on Apr 14, 2010 under Events |

Received this e-mail earlier in the evening:
This is just to confirm that you are entered in the race and that the race has reached its limit of 300 runners. We have never sold out this early, and we thank you for your support. We have a number of runners who are wait-listed for the race and we can only let them in should one of you be unable to participate.
Also wanted to point this out for anyone running or the event (or anyone wanting to run with some company):
On Saturday May 1, there will be a practice run on the course starting at 8:30 am. It is open to all runners and is free. You must bring and carry your own water for this run, there will not be any on-course support and there is no water available at the Start/Finish area. There are bathrooms.
Both Ted and I will be running this event, along with our Twitter friends, @runsesarun and @billb. The Tilden brochure is available here (PDF).
Posted on Apr 14, 2010 under Articles, Reviews |
I tried the Clif Shot Mango Orange recovery drink the other day. It was the first water-based recovery drink that I did not have to choke down. It did not taste great but it is definitely drinkable. I found that mixing the drinks exactly as directed make them taste better.
Remember, it is better to mix the drinks a little strong. It is also faster to swallow 8 ounces than 12 ounces.
To be honest with you, I use most of the top electrolyte drinks and recovery drinks interchangeably with little noticeable difference between them. Some flavors are preferred over others but they all seem to work for me. Clif sets themselves apart through their community service. Mike gets stuff to review. He may or may not tell me what he paid for and what is a review item. I don’t usually follow what is a review item because I am the main test subject. Read more… »
Posted on Apr 14, 2010 under Misc |
That’s right… the Saucony shoes I bought from Road Runner (my review of the store/service is here) absolutely rock!

Definitely worth the money spent – and the trip all of the way to Concord to utilize the Shoe Dog system. I still love my Asics Duomax GT 2150 shoes I got from Transports, but they’ll likely end up serving as my backup shoes in the next few weeks.