Mountain and Electric Bike Models Lead Evolving Market
Posted on Apr 10, 2018 under News, Press Releases | No CommentIndependent bike retailers capture 52 percent of the $5.9 billion US bike market, according to a report from The NPD Group.
Continuing a trend from the past few years, road bike dominance ($412.8 million; down 12 percent) has made away for increased sales of mountain bikes ($577.5 million; up 3 percent – although it looks like there is a newer competitor sharking things up: electric bikes.
The e-bike market has increased more than eightfold since 2014, racking up $77.1 million in sales in 2017. Impressively, the burgeoning market saw 91 percent growth year-over-year, with more interest being shown among casual consumers. I’ll discuss e-bikes in-depth with a separate post here on the blog.
Additional thoughts and more after the jump…..

Here is what Matt Powell, VP and senior industry advisor for Sports at The NPD Group, in a press statement [via The NPD Group]:
“The move to mountain and e-bikes is a function of what I call PUNY, or premium, unique, new, and young. Higher price bands are growing; new, fashionable brands are emerging; and innovations in drive trains, suspension, and electronics are taking place. These bikes also enable riders to feel young, regardless of generation; mountain bikes open doors to adventure, and e-bikes with higher price points are largely being purchased by Boomers wanting a new ride experience.”
I’m used to covering the technology industry, where sales information, stats, and other industry metrics are continually released throughout the year – but gaining the same analysis for the cycling vertical is a refreshing change of pace. Glad to see The NPD Group compile this data, as more people get off the couch to explore the world on two wheels.
(Image courtesy of Pexels / Skitterphoto)
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