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Archives for the day Friday, December 24th, 2010

Weight loss diet

I am always asked about my diet and how I manage to look so trim.  People are always amazed when I tell them I do not diet.  I eat healthy foods and try to consume as much as I burn.  I do try to count calories on long workout days so I have some idea of how much extra I need to eat to maintain weight.  Here are my main thoughts on maintaining a healthy weight in some semblance of order.

  1. Drink a lot of water.Water is very good.  It helps you digest food and feel full.
  2. Stop drinking soda. Soda is loaded with junk calories that do nothing for you.
  3. Do not eat food that you do not like because it is healthy.
  4. Eat responsibly, you know what is good for you.  Do not over indulge in junk food.
  5. Try to eat food that was available 200 years ago.  I try to eat organic food whenever possible but it is expensive and my budget does take a hit from the organic food.  The meat is really expensive but I think the added hormones are are bad for you.
  6. Margarine was not around 200 years ago so use butter with moderation.
  7. I switch types of milk randomly between skim and whole milk sticking mostly to 1% and 2% milkfat.

I tend to gravitate towards a high carb, high protein diet with little junk food thrown in.  I almost always eat pasta or pizza on Friday before my long workout on Saturday.  Again, I like to stay natural and not add anything powdered or processed to my food.  I do add natural Parmesan cheese to my pasta.  I also like to eat a healthy lunch.  Usually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with fruit and pretzels.  I like Skippy peanut butter and organic jelly.

My key points are drink lots of water, no soda and moderate all other types of food.