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Archives for the day Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

It’s quickly approaching late July and we’re all aware it’s summer time here in Alameda.  That means longer days and even more kids and pedestrians wandering the streets.

If you’re an Alameda resident, you’re probably used to seeing a large number of pedestrian crosswalks around the city.  Use them if you plan to cross the street.  Stop for pedestrians if you’re driving a vehicle (or riding a bike).

Alameda Police Department statistics (reported in 2008) indicate the highest number of injury incidents took place in August and September — and it’s a combination of speeding drivers and careless pedestrians.

As a reminder:  If you’re in a crosswalk, you still have to look around.  Don’t assume just because you’re in a crosswalk that vehicles will stop for you.  I routinely have at least five or six cars buzz by me even though I’m clearly waiting to cross the street.

Here is what the APD recommends (April 2009 Alameda Police News Wire):

“Prior to crossing any street you should look both ways, make eye contact with the drivers, and do this for each lane you are crossing.  When lit crosswalks are available, always activate them before crossing the street.”

I can tell which drivers are likely going to stop and let me cross the street — try not to get jumpy to cross the street until the vehicles stop.  Just to show your appreciation, it’s strongly recommended to give the drivers a wave (and thank you) for stopping.