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There is so much that can be done to help the environment and the countless humanitarian issues that tend to be overlooked. It’s definitely worth a mention when we see a company stepping up and trying to make a difference.

A couple of college cross-country runners launched Janji, a performance clothing company aimed towards bringing attention to humanitarian rights in Haiti and Kenya.

“Janji’s shirts and shorts are both made out of 100 percent polyester fabric,” Janji told Competitor Magazine. “Although the feel of the fabrics are very different, they’re all moisture-wicking and incredibly light. We’re working with a producer, located in China, which has shown a commitment to fair wages, proper working conditions and ethical labor practices.”

Thanks to both runners from Washington University, a portion of the proceeds will aid starving families in Haiti and Kenya. Incorporating the national flags of each country, food, water, and medical supplies will be purchased using revenue generated by Janji sales.

A few dozen retailers are interested in offering Janji products, and that number will surely grow as they receive even more press.

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