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Archives for “Shout Out” category

The “Shout Out” isn’t necessarily something new here on Alameda Runners, but wanted to offer a quick insight into what the “Shout Out” tag is all about.  Both of us (Ted and myself) are just two guys out there running … we’re not elite-level athletes, doctors, or anyone of importance in the running world.  Instead, we want to link to outside blogs and resources that offer training tips, workout advice, and all of that good stuff.

Today’s “Shout Out” is to a neat article posted on the Athletes HoneyMilk Web site that discusses IT band friction syndrome, which plagues runners and other athletes.  As mentioned in the article — and from runners I’ve chatted with in the past — ITB seems to cause rather shocking pain in the knee and higher levels of soreness on the thigh.

A good way to help reduce future ITB issues is to use the two-legged squat to help strengthen your legs:  “The key performance measure to evaluate proper glute function is the two-legged squat. If the glutes are weak then some or all of the following will occur during a two-legged squat: the knees move closer together, the knees slide far over the toes, the heels rise, and the low back flexes.”


If you’re new to squats, it may be a good idea to have a personal trainer (or someone who knows how to squat) watch you a few times.

The entire blog published on the Athletes HoneyMilk site goes into further detail regarding ITB, two-legged squats, etc.