Mountain and Electric Bike Models Lead Evolving Market
Posted on Apr 10, 2018 under News, Press Releases | No CommentIndependent bike retailers capture 52 percent of the $5.9 billion US bike market, according to a report from The NPD Group.
Continuing a trend from the past few years, road bike dominance ($412.8 million; down 12 percent) has made away for increased sales of mountain bikes ($577.5 million; up 3 percent – although it looks like there is a newer competitor sharking things up: electric bikes.
The e-bike market has increased more than eightfold since 2014, racking up $77.1 million in sales in 2017. Impressively, the burgeoning market saw 91 percent growth year-over-year, with more interest being shown among casual consumers. I’ll discuss e-bikes in-depth with a separate post here on the blog.
Additional thoughts and more after the jump…..