As previously mentioned, I suffered an injury that is similar to a groin pull. Pulled groins are no big deal: a little rest, some training program changes, and you are good to go. I took between 4-5 weeks off from running.
Three weeks of rest with some light spinning. My groin felt good, I was ready to go out for a run in preparation for this weeks Olympic distance triathlon. About 3 miles into the run and I was in pain. Not groin pain but hip pain.
I am devastated. I hope it is just fractured and I can do the triathlon if I can endure the pain. It is rare that life throws an easy curve ball so I anticipate damage that is going to take months of rest. At least it does not hurt when I walk, bike or run.
I am limping today. I have an appointment with the sports chiropractor in a few days. I hope he can find the injury without me having to go through insurance hell.
Injuries do strange things to us mentally. Not only do I have an injury but I am very busy at work. A combination of things just set me back. I can do a lot of cross training that does not involve my hip but I seem to be letting it get the better of me. I feel as if I am dying a slow death both physically and mentally. When I stop exercising, I stop writing about exercising. There is nothing wrong with my brain. What stops me from writing?
I have a marathon training plan written up for CIM in December. I need to get it posted. It breaks my heart to post a training plan that I can’t participate in.
by Patricia, on August 12 2010 @ 12:11 am
The Break Your PR plan over at is the best marathon training program I’ve yet seen. You should check it out. Good luck!