Let injuries heal… an experiment by Ted.
No matter how much you want to get out and do it, you must let your injuries heal. About a month ago, while doing yoga, I felt my groin go “pop.” My first thought was, “This is not good.” My second thought was, “You over did it again.”
I get so many injuries from overdoing it but I just can’t seem to help it. Summer injuries are the worst because I have so much going on. I had to rest. I still have to rest. I am going nuts. I will continue to go nuts.
The first week after the injury, pain, ice on the groin (not pleasant), rest and walked with a limp.
Week 2, slight pain, no ice and more rest with a slight limp.
Week 3, no pain, no limp… tried to jog 40 feet and gave up.
Week 4, no pain, ¼ mile jog, 30-mile bike. Great restraint to not go further.
Week 5, no pain, ¾ mile swim.
I am getting better. Groin injuries are bad and rest is the only answer. It is so hard to sit still and rest. I don’t do any writing for Alamedarunners. I feel like I am getting fat and out of shape. I went to the gym to lift weights one day and caused pain from carrying the weights to the bench. I warmed up, the pain subsided, and then I was sore the following day. I needed more rest.
Now that I am almost back to health, it is so hard to take it easy with small swims and small bike rides. I have a triathlon in two weeks and a half marathon in three weeks. I have to rest. I want to go train. The full marathon training plan for the California International Marathon kicks off in two weeks. I am going to put my base training to the test. I hope I can get by. I know I can get through the triathlon and half marathon in the next couple of weeks. The question is, how will I do?
I have been taking it very easy for the past month. I am going to take it easy in my training for the rest of the month. I am going to go hard in both events. I will let you know what happens when you have a good base, get injured then rest for 6 weeks before one of your main events.
My two big events for the year are a triathlon and a marathon. I already know that not resting after an injury stops athletic improvement and does not really heal until I rest. Now I am going to find out how well rest works.
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