Archives for December, 2011
Posted on Dec 18, 2011 under Articles, Reviews |

Here is a brief on the biggest surprises of the year for me. Most of the time, new companies squeeze into a niche by doing the same thing as the big guys while specializing in one area. Sometimes things can be a lot different. Who would have thought, a company could come out with wool athletic gear? I forgot where I got the photo of the woman wearing the Icebreaker shirt but the poster credited it to
Icebreaker wear is my winner of the year for performance clothing. I wear the run ace running shirt just about anytime an opportunity presents itself. I love the way it feels. The material and design make the shirt very nice to wear. It is so nice to wear the shirt was promoted (demoted?) to an everyday shirt. The running shorts are nice but they have an oddly shaped pocket that is not convenient for my work access badge so I do no wear them for my lunch time runs. I inadvertently wound up with the shorts for a yoga session one day and they were immediately converted to yoga shorts. Running shorts and gym shorts are pretty much designed for forward motion and do not work very well with the stretching activities. The wool stretches with my activities and does not stick to my legs. Icebreaker is a bit hard to find and a bit expensive but they make some nice stuff. I think you can get it at Fleet feet, out in the valley and REI. If you find it in a store, try it on.
Greenlight Apparel came into view in 2011 by being the official clothing at both the Oakland Marathon and the California International Marathon. They announced their consumer product line to us at the Oakland Marathon expo back in March. Their products are comfortable, affordable and produced responsibly. Because of Greenlight Apparels responsible manufacturing process, I will buy from green light if all things are close.
Injinji toesocks were a pleasant surprise for me this year. I did not expect the socks to be so comfortable. It did feel a bit odd having my toes separated by the cloth but I liked it. It was great running up and down big hills without worrying about getting blisters. The nice fit around the foot keeps the sock from moving around when you run. No motion and no bunching mean no blisters. My favorite socks did wear out rather quickly but that was expected with the way they fit.
Jockey wins the durability contest. I was surprised to realize how much Jockey wear I own. They make good stuff without a lot of fanfare and it lasts a long time. They also know how to make stuff fit.
Posted on Dec 12, 2011 under Uncategorized |
Hello folks — I am still alive and well, in case you noticed I’ve been gone and Ted has done the majority of writing on Alameda Runners these days. I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things here and on AlamedaTech, but wanted to give you a brief update as to what is going on.
Remember our friends over at Greenlight Apparel in Fremont? (If not, they make the quality California International Marathon and Oakland Running Festival apparel.)
I’m working on another interview with the company, and will again focus on Greenlight Apparel’s products and humanitarian efforts geared towards illegal child labor.
Until I get something published, here is some reading material for you: Previous interview posted on Alameda Runners, and the official Greenlight Apparel blog.
Posted on Dec 11, 2011 under Articles, Training |
Now that the main running season is over, it is time to take cross training seriously again. When I say cross training, I mean cross training with weights. Most of us run or bike for cross training. Now, is the time for strength training. I like to lift weights but I have to sacrifice something to get out and do it.
Training is a personal thing with one rule. That rule is to get out and do it. I am in off season training mode right now. My training for the week and reason for the training are listed below. I am not advocating my work out plan. I am pointing out a plan and a reason for the plan.
Monday – Weight training at the Coast guard base. My reason for using this gym is because I am out of coffee at home and they have good breakfast at the base chow hall for about $2.00. All of today’s training will be done with light weights.
- Squats – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Calf raises – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Leg extensions – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Leg lifts – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Bench press – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Shoulder press – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Swim ½ to 1 mile after work then sit in the hot tub for a little while.
Tuesday– 4 mile lunch time run, if I feel good. Yoga after work because I need to work on flexibility and core strength. The Yoga place is right next door to my work and the schedule is convenient.
Wednesday – Weight training at the Coast guard base. My reason for using this gym is because they have good breakfast at the base chow hall for about $2.00 and Wednesday is the day they have waffles. I like to bring my own syrup. All of today’s training will be done with light weights.
- Squats – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Calf raises – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Leg extensions – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Leg lifts – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Bench press – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Shoulder press – 3 sets of 10-20 reps
- Swim ½ to 1 mile after work then sit in the hot tub for a little while.
Thursday – 4 mile lunch time run, if I feel good. Yoga after work because I need to work on flexibility and core strength. The Yoga place is right next door to my work and the schedule is convenient.
Friday – Swim ½ to 1 mile after work then sit in the hot tub for a little while.
Saturday – Bike ride, if the weather is nice.
Sunday – off
This is my plan for the week. It is a plan that works around my schedule and breakfast desires. My primary goal is to build leg strength and maintain fitness. I will do a couple of early half marathons that I must maintain my fitness for but I really working on triathlon training for next year. I am far down the list on the Vineman Half Ironman but they also have an Alcatraz Triathlon that month so I need to be ready for a July triathlon. I will be training like this until the holiday season ends in mid-January when I come up with a more regimented plan.
Posted on Dec 07, 2011 under Articles |

Last year Brazen Racing held the inaugural Coyote Hills Half Marathon. This was one of my favorite races of the year. That is saying something considering I did more than 15 events during the year, including CIM, Alcatraz, Vineman and the Oakland Half Marathon. I may have liked it so much because of the community involvement. I do so many Brazen races, we are like family. I ran around Coyote Hills so much; it was like my home course. Did I mention the fact that I ran with Ron from Punk Rock Racing? It is always fun to be around Ron.
The parking lots filled early and people were being shuttled in from the surrounding corporate centers. At least you don’t have to pay to park in the corporate centers. There were enough shuttle buses to keep the wait short. When the shuttle buses are running, the line at the sweat check table can get long so mark your bag early so you won’t have to wait when it is time to start the race.
Coyote Hills is a typical trail race where the start line is on the flattest piece of terrain around. This race quickly goes to single track that can really mess up the speedy people who start in the middle of the pack. If you can run 7:00 miles or faster, start in the front. I don’t mind the single track holding me up because I run most trail races as social races. I used to get mad when I wanted to run along at an 8:00 pace and wound up behind people running an 11:00 pace. I have learned to lighten up, enjoy the view and perhaps, socialize a bit before passing. You never know when you will meet a new friend.
Coyote Hills is a two lap course. I am not very fond of running laps but I will make an exception in this case. January 28, 2012 is coming fast. If we get lucky the Punk Rock Runner will be on hand to keep us entertained again.
Posted on Dec 03, 2011 under Articles, Events |
A quick update for today’s post. My marathon is tomorrow. I am supposed to go for a very easy 2 mile jog but I am going to skip it to give my sore legs a day to rest. This will be my third attempt at CIM. I did it two other times but I did not finish well. Hopefully, I did everything right and finish running. I was planning on running with some friends from the running club who are planning on finishing in 3:40. I decided to slow down and run with the first pace group after 4:15. Maybe changing things up will give me a better shot at success. I am very excited to go back and tackle a challenge that has defeated me twice.
Now that I am finished with my marathon training, I started swimming for triathlon training. When I was taking it easy and only training for a marathon, Finis sent me a swimsense, swim monitor to review. I had to send it back after I reviewed it. I liked it but I was not swimming a lot to give it a really good review. I started swimming a few weeks ago, when I started to taper for the marathon. I really missed the swimsense. It is not exact but it is usually off by 25 yards over the course of a mile. When I am out for a swim, I don’t notice the difference between 37 and 38 laps. I was considering buying one from Amazon for about $200. This morning, I found they sent the Swimsense back! Christmas came early. I don’t have “consider” anymore. I have “mine” back. Thanks Finis.
Wish me well for the marathon.