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Shout Out: SF Marathon and GU

GU recently guest posted a blog entry on the official San Francisco Marathon Blog… and I think it’s worth a read.  The company explains the importance of properly re-fueling during a race, along with what our bodies need when running distance events.

Here is the opening paragraph of the blog:

As you ramp up your training volume here are a few things to keep in mind that the scientific community has learned about endurance nutrition. The team at GU Energy is proud to be the official on-course energy product of the San Francisco Marathon and we have spent nearly 20 years working with professional athletes and leading scientists to formulate and optimize performance energy products for endurance athletes.

The actual blog entry explains calories, carbs, fluids, electrolytess, and the importance of the “Glycogen window.”

I discovered this blog entry after the SF Marathon folks tweeted the link.

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